Simple Great School Recipe

Though there is a lot of ways to make this school, I belive this is the simplest, most enjoyable School to make since there is a lot ways this can go wrong. Remember this is part 2 of the 3 part recipe to prepare students for the real world.

By: Yan Liu


8-9 years of k-6/7th grade


5 years


11-12 years


50-70 students
1 cup Subbie orientation
1 cup Fun events
1 tsp subbie buddy
5 tbsp of harder work
1 gallon of caring adults (different for everyone)
1 gallon of caring friends (different for everyone)
2 drops of college classes
2 tbsp of college applications, parent presure, and grade pressure mix


Step 1: Subbie Phase

First thing you would like is set the homework level to low, you would like to heat* the students up a bit but not to much.
In the subbie pan, pour 1 tsp of kind, caring "Subbie buddy" (all Students after the subbie phase are good). Then put in a nice subbie orientation and fun events to cool down the heat a bit and add the students in (but be careful, some students are what's called a "skippy", as they aren't fully cooked the 8 years). After dropping in the student season it with some good teachers and fun projects leave it for a year and the student should be prepared for the next step. make sure everyday cool them down a bit for some extracurricular activities that they want to do.

Step 2: Freshman and sophomore

By this time the students should be able to stand a bit more heat, so you can turn the homework level to medium. You should also add in just a pinch of harder work raise the heat so the students can get used this for later. This step is fairly easy, just add in some caring adults whenever a student is having trouble and you should be good. And again, please, please, please let them release the heat and give them relaxation time every few days so they won't burn up.

Step 3: Junior and Senior

This is the hardest part of this recipe, you'll have to turn the heat up to max but keep cooling them down with fun events and caring people (a mix of caring adults and friends). Add in a drop or two of college classes (be very carful, this can burn the students very quick). You'll also have to cover them in college applications, parent presure, and grade pressure, this heats up the pan very quickly so please wash them with relaxtion every few week. Lastly during finals (will explain in tips)completly turn off the homework level so the students can focus on only the tests. Hopefully, after these 2 years your hard work will be worth it and the students will move on to the College Phase with all the preparation they need.


1. lower the homework level during final periods
2. support their extracurricular activities
3. tell their parents not to pressure them to much
4. Actually listen to what they say
5. have teachers that doesn't have biases
6. try using hands-on learning more than just watching thing because students want to know how the teacher feels
7. don't rush things, even you they're falling behind try not to force more pressure on them.
8. accept extentions

That's it!

Of course there is many more ways you can make this better, but this is the most basic recipe and if you do everything correctly the student should not only learn a lot in school, but also enjoy it a lot more.

*heat = pressure